OUR WHY... Clips, taken from our Students and Parents
Just wanna let everyone know how much I love n appreciate this guy has truly changed my life from the bible study on Wednesday night to him running down the sidelines takin pictures n rootin his boys on. I got a little emotional writing this because he's had such a huge impact on my life appreciate you n love you big guy!!! — with Johnny Brown.
Being here in Jacksonville while time was short brought me closer to God than i have ever been he has a plan for my life and as far as he's showed me now that doesn't include football. Im truly grateful to Johnny Brown for all the support he's given me as a friend but also from the standpoint of a God fearing man. Its time for this Indiana Boy to come home and take care of business!
As I look back on this past year up to this point, I have a ton to be thankful for. Although God has tested me and my family beyond measures, i can truly say it was for the better. Here is a list of what I am truly thankful for; I am thankful that my beautiful niece made it her first birthday, I am thankful for the endless support I have from my family and friends as I closed the biggest chapter in my life thus far (soccer), I am thankful for my sister who continues to provide a positive role model for my nephew. It's not easy being a single parent, and you're doing a fantastic job Priscilla Sierra. I am thankful for Johnny Brown and Tammy Brown for opening their house to all of JU and teaching gods words to all of us. I am thankful I found my way back to Christ and accepted him as my lord and savior.
Parent I appreciate so much you and your wife loving on her and all the kiddos there and, as I said, for the example you set. I'm so happy and excited for her that she has this to help keep her focused on The Lord. I really can't thank you enough! I didn't have anything like this when I left for college and I did wonder away from God for a while, not horribly astray but I certainly wasn't walking with Him daily as I was before I left. God is faithful and I am so grateful!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
Parent We appreciate all you do for our boys and JU! Go Dolphins! Beat Campbell!